
Welcome to the Prestolite online warranty page, if you are not a registered user please do not attempt to logon. Please contact Prestolite Service Department to request access.Tel +44(0)20 8231 1120 or email warranty@prestolite-eu.com

There are a number of actions available from this home page,

2. Warranty Claim - This is for parts that have been fitted to a vehicle and have then failed By selecting this page once you are logged on you will be required to supply certain information to allow a claim to be submitted.

Please print a copy of the claim once submitted and place in the box with the faulty unit. This unit will be collected by Prestolite approved carrier.

3. Before In Service (RMA) - This is for parts that have not been fitted or are not fit for sale i.e. Handling Damage. You have 30 days from date of invoice to make a claim for handling damage etc.

Please print a copy of the claim once submitted and place in the box with the faulty unit. This unit will be collected by Prestolite approved carrier.

4. Collection Information - This is how to arrange collection of parcels / pallets or notify Prestolite of a return. No claims can be processed until this section is completed. This section must be completed even if yiu are returning the goods at you expense.

5. Modify PEI Account Details - For Internal Use Only

6. Repair Agent - For use by approved repair agents

7. Core Return - Not In Use
8. Track Claim -

PASSWORD If you have forgotten your password please click on section 8 and using the forgot password button enter the emailPASSWORD If you have forgotten your password please email warranty@prestolite-eu.com and quote your Prestolite Customer Code we will send a reminder email to the registered email.

If you require any further assistance please call 0044 (0)20 8231 1120